
c++ lib or usage, which I hardly used but seen



div_t div(int numer, int denom); 
ldiv_t div(long int numer, long int denom);
lldiv_t div (long long int numer, long long int denom);

Returns the integral quotient and remainder of the division of numer by denom ( numer/denom ) as a structure of type div_t, ldiv_t or lldiv_t, which has two members: quot and rem.

Only int version for c

/* div example */
#include <stdio.h>      /* printf */
#include <stdlib.h>     /* div, div_t */

int main ()
  div_t divresult;
  divresult = div (38,5);
  printf ("38 div 5 => %d, remainder %d.\n", divresult.quot, divresult.rem);
  return 0;
//output: 38 div 5 => 7, remainder 3.

faster used:

auto [p, r] = div(38, 5);
auto [quotient, remainder] = div(divisor, dividend);


int isdigit ( int c );

Checks whether c is a decimal digit character.

Decimal digits are any of: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

/* isdigit example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main ()
  char str[]="1776ad";
  int year;
  if (isdigit(str[0]))
    year = atoi (str);
    printf ("The year that followed %d was %d.\n",year,year+1);
  return 0;
//output: The year that followed 1776 was 1777


在 C++ 中,lambda 表达式的捕获子句(capture clause)可以以多种方式指定,以决定 lambda 函数体可以访问哪些外部变量以及如何访问它们。以下是一些常见的捕获子句表达:

  1. 按值捕获(Capture by value):

    • [=]: 捕获所有外部变量的值。
    • [var]: 仅通过值捕获单个变量 var
    int x = 10;
    auto lambda1 = [=] { return x + 10; };  // x 通过值捕获
    auto lambda2 = [x] { return x + 10; };   // x 通过值捕获
  2. 按引用捕获(Capture by reference):

    • [&]: 捕获所有外部变量的引用。
    • [&var]: 仅通过引用捕获单个变量 var
    int x = 10;
    auto lambda1 = [&] { x += 10; };  // x 通过引用捕获
    auto lambda2 = [&x] { x += 10; }; // x 通过引用捕获
  3. 混合捕获(Mixed capture):

    • [&, var]: 通过引用捕获所有变量,但通过值捕获 var
    • [=, &var]: 通过值捕获所有变量,但通过引用捕获 var
    int x = 10, y = 20;
    auto lambda1 = [&, x] { return x + y; };  // x 通过值捕获,y 通过引用捕获
    auto lambda2 = [=, &y] { return x + y; }; // x 通过值捕获,y 通过引用捕获
  4. 无捕获(No capture):

    • []: 不捕获任何外部变量。
    auto lambda = [] { return 10; };
  5. 初始化捕获(Init capture):(自 C++14 起)

    • [new_var = expr]: 在捕获子句中初始化一个新变量。
    int x = 10;
    auto lambda = [y = x + 10] { return y; };  // y 是一个新变量,值为 20

通过适当地选择捕获子句,你可以控制 lambda 函数体对外部变量的访问以及如何访问它们。